Light | experimentation + pedagogy
Places of Light: Experiences and Expressions of Architectural Light
Authors: Arch 570 / ID525 — Jenna Scott, Candie Wilken, Susan Murano, Vanny Cahyadi, Bassim Kreem, Arsalan Amiri — and Professor Judy Theodorson
This Pecha Kucha probes the idea that intentions and conditions of architectural light are significant to our experience of place. As stated by the architect Le Corbusier, “light creates the feel of place” and “opens the soul to poetic realms.” Many designers find that light is a potent tool that may be used to establish ambiance, to enlighten, and to convey a message. Our research -- Places of Light -- finds six themes where light acts as a primary design element in creating a transformative human experience: places that tell a narrative through design and symbolism; places that honor the memory of those lost to tragedy; places that incite hope; places that promote a sense of calm; places that rejuvenate our spirit; and places that connect to the divine. Each of these themes are illuminated through architectural case studies and are further reflected through creative design outputs, such as drawings and models. The ultimate intention of this research is to appreciate the role that light plays in both individual and collective architectural experience.
link to Pecha Kucha presentation:
Theodorson, J. Visualizing Daylight: Empirical and Literary Explorations. Proceedings of PLEA — Passive and Low Energy Architecture 2017 28th International Conference: Design to Thrive. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 3-5, 2017
Theodorson, J. Architectural Vocabularies: Exploring the analogous relationship between light and water. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Volos, Greece, September 21-24, 2016 paper:
Theodorson, J. The substance of light revealed through scientific methods. Interior Design Educators Conference, 2014. Presentation
Theodorson, J. Teaching Light: Constructing Knowledge Across Multiple Dimensions. Ambiances in Action: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ambiances. Montreal, Canada. 2012
STudent project
Suh and Chesnut_Mixing Light and Color: